Welcome to the Arbitration and Mediation Society of Uganda (AMSU)

The Arbitration and Mediation Society of Uganda (AMSU) is a not-for-profit organisation that was established in 2020 with the main purpose of promoting the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as the principal means of resolving commercial disputes in Uganda. AMSU has a network of members in Uganda in the Diaspora who share a wealth of experiences and knowledge with the common goal of contributing to Uganda’s economic development.


AMSU offers ADR trainings in conjunction with Makerere University Business School (Uganda), ADR mentoring services, mediation and arbitration practice services.


AMSU’s main mission is to increase the number of skilled alternative dispute resolution practitioners in Uganda and raise the standard of commercial arbitration and mediation services so that conflict between business parties can be resolved quickly and cheaply.


  1. Capacity build Ugandans (including those in the diaspora) with modern ADR trainings that are on an international standard.
  2. Provide mediation and arbitration practice mentoring services to young people.
  3. Engage in collaborative work with other institutions to create awareness and promote the use of ADR as the main way of resolving disputes.
  4. Function as an umbrella organisation for all arbitration and mediation practitioners in Uganda and in the diaspora so that they can exchange opinions, experiences, and knowledge in ADR practices to benefit Uganda.
  5. Work in partnership with the private and government sector and support them in managing business risk that may arise because of conflict.
  6. Assist in the building of positive relationships between the local communities and the international business sector.

AMSU offers ADR trainings in conjunction with Makerere University Business School (Uganda), ADR mentoring services, mediation and arbitration practice services.